Friday, January 20, 2012

My own Big Fish!

I've been working hard, in tandem with my cousin, to plan a kick-tail shower for my other cousin's impending baby.  It's a safari theme, so we decided to take it the British Colonial route with passports and mosquito netting and burlap and all of that.  I'll post pictures once it's done.

Tonight, I decided to take a night off and take my baby to the county fair with my parents and yet another cousin.  [I've got a million and one cousins, so don't worry if you can't keep track.  =)]

It was a BLAST!  My parents light up, literally, when they are around Little Man, so it is a true pleasure to watch them all together.  Now, I'm that mean mom that doesn't let the kiddo eat sweets or junk food.  Tonight, I gave my dad almost free reign (almost) to give the boy JUNK FOOD.  He actually had him yelling, "JUNK FOOD," in preparation for the night.  It would have been too cute if the boy weren't vibrating from the sugar by the end of the night.

Then we hit the Win a Fish table.  It was cute watching him throwing the ping pongs at the fish bowls, then clapping with joy and wonder.  I never expected him to even come close, but the boy got two!  My dad got another six.  Now, I can get a little competitive.  As soon as I saw the sign that you can trade six little fish for a big fish, I just knew that we had to leave the fairgrounds with the Big Fish.  Ha ha!  We left with a Big Fish AND two little fish!

Slap a palm to my forehead!  I never stopped to think that you have to put the fish somewhere!  Nooooo, don't keep the little fish that you can throw in a bowl with an aerator.  Noooo, get the Big Fish that requires a 10-gallon tank.  And gravel.  And a filter.  And decorations.  And an aerator.  Of course, the Walmart we visited had slim pickings, so I'm rocking the tank with no gravel and only a couple of cute decorations.

I plan to hit another Walmart tomorrow to get the rest of the stuff.  For right now, it's late and I still have A LOT of work to do for the shower on Sunday.  In the mean time, here's a picture!

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