Thursday, July 21, 2011

The First Step is Breathing!

I often find myself holding my breath when I'm thinking of stressful things.  It isn't something I do on purpose; instead, it is more as if my body is concentrating so hard that it doesn't remember to push air in and out.  More often than not, it results in a wicked tension headache.  Of course, the gallon of coffee I ingest each morning doesn't help the situation.

I've been working on cutting down my coffee addiction, but it is just SO good that I'm finding it hard.  I'm one of those that likes a bit of coffee with my milk and sugar, so the end result is soft and sweet and oh so tasty!  Not at all bitter and hard like black coffee.  Yuk!

Back to the breath holding issue.  Not thinking of stressful things won't work for me right at the moment, so instead I'll find ways to remember to breathe.  Pending divorce, single motherhood, financial ruin... all of these things tend to take over a brain and not let go.  Most of the time, I'd love nothing more than to succumb to the pressure and just lay down until I could breathe again, but - with a toddler to wrangle and a life to run - that isn't an option.  Instead, I've been concentrating on deep, cleansing breaths combined with meditative exercises geared toward relieving the pressure.

What is it they always say?  The first step is admitting you have a problem.  Well, I have a problem remembering to breathe, so first step taken!  Now I just have to find real ways to not let the stress rule my life.

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